From a battery life standpoint, the answer is not as easy as saying “the batteries will last for two years”. The answer really depends upon the number of actuations and connections that the Controller operates over a given period of time.
The estimates below are based on using Duracell and Energizer name brand Alkaline batteries. Generic brand batteries are not recommended. The CMS is compatible with compatible with Alkaline, NiMh or Li-Socl2 cells
All estimates below are for activating valves and will be updated to include flow meters when that information is available.
Battery Life when using Bluetooth #
The CMS has an estimated battery life of 7,000 activations or about 18-months depending on site conditions. This is based on you creating a Program with 10 waterings (20 on/off cycles) and without any further interactions with the device via a smartphone.
Battery Life when using Cellular #
Communication periods over cellular is selectable. The below estimates* are based on 5 waterings a day.
- Always on – ±3 months
- 12-hours on and 12-hours off – ±5 months
- Twice a day for 30 minutes – ±10 months
- Once a day for 30 minutes – ±12 months
NOTE: You can change the cellular battery life options at any time, however the update will only be applied when connected over Bluetooth or at the next scheduled cellular communication.