One or more valves do not turn on
- Faulty solenoid connection
- Wire damaged or severed
- Flow control stem screwed down, shutting valve off
- Programming is incorrect
Stations turn on when they are not supposed to
- The water pressure is too high
- More than one start time is programmed
- AM/PM is incorrect
One station is stuck on and will not shut off
- Faulty valve
- Particles of dirt or debris stuck in the valve
- Valve diaphragm faulty
All valves do not turn on
- Transformer defective or not connected
- Programming is incorrect
The controller will not power up
- Transformer not plugged into a working outlet
Valves continue to turn on and off when they are not programmed
- More than one start time is programmed with overlapping schedules
- Excessive pressure
Intermittent faults when the pump is connected
- An incompatible pump start relay is being used.