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HRC 410 LED Codes

Color and 8 segment LCD definitions: #

LED colors and patterns may change based on firmware. Below is the Current list as of the 12th of October 2021.

Status“b” Button Light DurationDisplay (top right)Notes
BootingoffLoop with tailTail display used to indicate busy
BLE PairingBlue1 second on/offPReady to Pair
BLE TimeoutRedSolidEReset to attempt pairing again
BLE PairedBlueSolidBlankConnected
Wi-Fi PairingWhiteSlow flash connecting to Router
Fast flash connecting to Server
Loop with tailTail display used to indicate busy
Wi-Fi Connected to ServerWhiteSolidBlankConnected
WateringGreenFlashStation NumberStation currently being watered
Weather DelayGreenFlashdCancel in app or manually water to override
FaultRedSolidF, P, or Station numberFaults only appears when Idle
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