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HSC LED Light codes

The LED lights on the HSC illuminate with distinct colors and flashing patterns to let you know where or when an Alert, Caution, or irrigation is taking place. These can be helpful when troubleshooting the Controller.

Colors #

Colors will inform users of the following conditions:


Red/Alert: Yellow/Caution: Green:
Shows a fault, disconnection, Delay, or other warning. Watering, communication
no water flow, or other connected, or other
problem that requires operations performing as
attention. expected.

Other colors are defined in the charts below.

Patterns #

LEDs may flash, fade in and out slowly, or be solid:


Flashing: Fading in and out: Solid:
Indicates an Alert. Communication is connecting, or the Controller is in a preparatory state. Communication connected, or a normal operating condition. Solid red indicates a problem.

Control Panel LED’s #

On the HSC’s control panel, there are three LEDs:


Controller Status: Comm Status: Cellular:
Indicates what the Controller is doing. Shows the Controller’s communication method and activities. Cellular connection and activity.


Reference these charts for specifics about what the HSC Controller is doing.


RED FLASHING Leak, Station Fault, Pump Fault, No Flow, High Flow
YELLOW FLASHING Weather Delay, Rain Sensor Delay when the Controller is not watering
YELLOW SOLID Low Flow, Rain Sensor Delay during scheduled irrigation
GREEN SOLID Scheduled Watering Event, Manual Watering Event, Rain Sensor Delay during manual watering

Module LEDs #

The LEDs on the Multi-Wire modules can also help you understand what is happening with specific zones and troubleshoot issues with the Controller. Colors and pattern are in the chart below.


RED SOLID Zone Fault, or No Flow (if a Flow Sensor is installed)
YELLOW SOLID Rain Sensor Delay
GREEN SOLID Scheduled Watering or Manual Watering

Red lights will stay on to let you know where a problem exists. Red will clear if the condition is fixed – during the next watering cycle.

Yellow and green lights on the modules will turn off at the end of the irrigation cycle. #

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