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Wire Distance from Controller to Solenoids

Below is a chart indicating the maximum Wire run between the Controller and the solenoids.

If you are using the same size Wire for all your connections

Wire Sizing (Feet) #

Terminal (Station/Hot/Valve) Wire (colored)
Common (White) 18 16 14 12 10 8 6
18 850 1040 1210 1350 1460 1540 1590
16 1040 1340 1650 1920 2150 2330 2440
14 1210 1650 2150 2630 3080 3450 3700
12 1350 1920 2630 3390 4170 4880 5400
10 1460 2150 3080 4170 5400 6670 7650
8 1540 2330 3450 4880 6670 8700 10530
6 1590 2440 3700 54000 7690 10530 13330

Maximum one-way distance in feet between Controller and heavy-duty Solenoid: 24 VAC, 350 mA inrush current, 190 mA holding current, 60 Hz; 370 mA inrush current, 210 mA holding current, 50 Hz


Wire Sizing (Metric) #

Terminal (Station/Hot/Valve) Wire (colored)
Common (White) 0.5 1 1.5 2.5 4 6
0.5 140 190 210 235 250 260
1.0 190 290 335 415 465 495
1.5 208 335 397 515 595 647
2.5 235 415 515 730 900 1030
4.0 250 465 595 900 1175 1405
6.0 260 495 647 1030 1405 1745

Maximum one-way distance in meters between Controller and Heavy-duty Solenoid: 24 VAC,
350 mA inrush current, 190 mA holding current, 60 Hz; 370 mA inrush current, 210 mA holding current, 50 Hz

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