Obituary of KC Ericksen

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It is with heavy hearts that we acknowledge the passing of our founder and long-time CEO, KC Ericksen.  KC established lasting relationships with customers, supply-chain partners, and associates, which today remain the foundation of Orbit.

With boundless curiosity, KC could be seen on lawns and in shrubs around the world talking to amateur gardeners and landscaping professionals alike in a quest to understand how they performed their jobs and what new solutions might help them. This inquisitiveness resulted in the many patented innovations within the Orbit and Hydro-Rain product lineups.

KC loved the people with whom he worked and he took delight in personally knowing each associate.  He didn’t need special recognition—and he was sparing in giving it – because he was always focused on how we could make things even better.

KC’s sense of fun and love for the team took center stage during our annual Christmas breakfast where he entertained associates with his remarkable flapjack-flipping skills. Most of the pancakes landed perfectly on plates, but we imagine some might still be soaring above the rafters.

We are grateful to have known KC Ericksen and take comfort in knowing that his leadership and work will live on in our brands, in the strong Orbit culture, and in our hearts.

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