All Irrigation Specialists Should Consider what their Customers Look For
As an irrigation contractor, you know how important it is to create great relationships with your clients. It will make the work that you do more rewarding, but it will help to ensure repeat business, receive positive online reviews, and get referrals and recommendations. Building a good rapport with your customers is paramount to the success of your landscaping or irrigation business. Hydro-Rain® is not only a manufacturer of helpful irrigation products, but we also offer business tools for irrigation contractors to help them perform their jobs to their highest efficiency. Part of doing so is to consider what your potential customers will look for before hiring you.
What Products You Use
Many customers will do their research and look into what types of products are recommended in the industry. Customers will be interested in the types of irrigation products you use, the different components, and why you use those specific products. If it is not clear on your website, they might call to ask you over the phone.
Whether or Not You Offer a Warranty of After-Sale Service
For many people, irrigation is a significant investment, so choosing the right irrigation contractor is an important decision for them. Customers often feel more secure with hiring your services if they can be reassured with product warranties in case of a deficiency and after-sale service to reinforce that the products are working and will be cared for. They might even check to see if these services include winterization and start-up in the springtime.
Online Reviews and Customer References
As we mentioned in the introduction, online reviews and customer references are crucial to the success of any contracting business. Customers will look online to see if others have left reviews for you on Google, Yelp, or other review-based platforms. They might also ask you for the names and phone numbers of a few of your recently serviced clients as references. Providing references is more authentic and reassuring for some people than online reviews, and it is important to have this information available if they request it.
Whether or Not You Cut Corners
Chances are, your potential customers are pretty smart. They might be skeptical if your prices are too low, and they might check to make sure that you are both licensed and insured. It is essential to make sure that you are both! They also might check to ensure you aren’t using cheap products or lazy methods in the irrigation work. Building trust is an integral part of starting a positive customer relationship, and the best way to do that is by being trustworthy.
Questions? Talk to the Irrigation Experts
If you have any questions or comments, please contact us today! Hydro-Rain® not only offers built-for-speed products, but we are an irrigation contractor’s best friend and offer helpful articles and services for irrigation contractors to make their jobs easier and their work more efficient for their customers. Reach out to us for all of your irrigation needs, and we will reply to you shortly. Our commitment to the essential values of integrity, lasting relationships, and fair dealing is at the heart of Hydro-Rain®, so let’s work together to bring your customers the best in irrigation!