5 Most Important Questions Your Customer Will Ask Before Installing an Automatic Sprinkler System

Irrigation sprinklers watering a lawn

Irrigation sprinklers watering a lawn

Questions that Customers will ask their Irrigation Contractor before Installing Sprinklers

As a contractor, building trust with your clients and potential clients is so vital to guarantee their business, positive reviews, and referrals. Part of earning their trust is simply being able to answer their questions about your prices, services, products, or anything else related to the work that they are hiring you to do. As an irrigation contractor, you will likely be asked critical questions from your clients or potential clients before installing an automatic sprinkler system. Hydro-Rain® is here to help support irrigation contractors with high-quality products, online training, and helpful articles to set them up for success in their line of work. Today we outline the five most important questions potential customers will ask you before installing automatic sprinkler systems.

Do You have the Necessary Licenses and Permits required to do the work?

Contracting work is expensive for many people, so they want to ensure that they hire a professional whose services will be worth their investment. Be sure to have all the licenses required in your area to install sprinklers to satisfy your customer’s concerns and adhere to local laws. Being fully licensed is part of becoming a successful irrigation contractor and building the trust of your potential customers.

Customers might also want to know if you will be acquiring the permits from the town to complete the job. While it might be in your best interest to offer that to your customers to give you a leg up on the competition, it is best to have an answer ready. Either way, the client can see that you are familiar with the process and have a system in place accordingly.

Do You Offer a Warranty on the Automatic Sprinkler System?

Due to the financial commitment from customers for irrigation work, you should consider what your customers will look for before hiring you. Most customers will do extensive research before hiring a contractor, and one thing they will look for or ask about is what kind of a warranty you are offering for the automatic sprinkler system. A warranty can give a customer peace of mind.

What Brand of Sprinklers will you be using in Our Yard?

Customers want to ensure that you will be using good quality products on their property, and as we mentioned above, they have probably done some research before talking to you. First, you should know the make and model of the irrigation products you regularly offer. Second, suppose the products you currently use are cheap or outdated. In that case, it is worth investing in better quality, top-of-the-line products to keep your customers happy and maintain an excellent reputation. 

Did You Consider the Different Areas of Shade and Sun in Your Design Plan?

Any competent irrigation specialist will need to understand this concept and be able to answer this question since it is a frequent ask from clients. They don’t want their lawn to be patchy with parts overwatered or underwatered. Be sure to have a well-designed plan and be able to explain the different zones with the customer.

What Type of Service do you Offer after Installation?

Offering an annual service plan for the sprinkler system can also give customers peace of mind. Showing that you are happy to continue working with them and that you will return to check on the automatic sprinkler system to detect and resolve any issues can be a great selling point for clients. It is likely a question you will encounter.

Contact Hydro-Rain® for Help with Your Irrigation Career

We hope that this article helped give you a better look into the mind of your potential customers and will prepare you to answer these critical questions when asked. Our goal here at Hydro-Rain® is to empower irrigation contractors to feel confident in their work. If you have questions about our Hydro-Rain® Academy or great irrigation products, don’t hesitate to contact us today! Hydro-Rain® offers free online training for irrigation professionals to help you become a master at your craft. Contact our team for all your irrigation questions and needs, and we will respond as soon as possible!

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