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Smart Watering Requirements

What does it take for WeatherSense Smart Watering to work?  WeatherSense Smart Watering requires 4 key features to be active and completed to operate correctly. If any of the 4 are not active or completed then smart watering may use too much or too little water.

Address #

In order to pull weather forecasts, we need to know where the Controller is located.

Weather Delays #

Under “Device Detail” ensure the Weather Delays slider is active. This slider controls the weather delays and without it activated your Controller could attempt to water during rain, high wind, and/or freezing conditions.

Smart Watering #

In each zone, you must enable the slider labeled “Smart Watering”.  This slider enables the “Zone Smart Watering Details” to work with the “Weather Delays” in building custom programs.

Zone Smart Watering Details #

Soil Type #

This tells B-hyve how fast the water can absorb water and how much water the soil can absorb.

Plant Type #

This tells B-hyve how fast the plants use the water in the soil.

Sprinkler Type #

This tells B-hyve how fast water is applied to the soil.  Different sprinklers apply water at different rates, this option preloads default values for Rotors, Sprays, and Drip which can then be updated by performing an Irrigation Audit.

Sunlight #

This tells B-hyve how fast water evaporates from the plants.

Rainfall #

This tells B-hyve how much rainfall is applied to the zone.

Slope #

This tells B-hyve how much water to apply before water begins to run off the slope.

Catch Cups (a.k.a. Irrigation Audit) #

This is optional and highly recommended. Performing an Irrigation Audit allows B-hyve to automatically adjust the water output value for the sprinkler type to match what is actually applied.

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